Transformers the game was something better than the sequel to the game that was just launched on 18th of june 2009. The sequel is just another rushed crap in the ps2 series of games.
They are insulting the console and questioning its ability. They should be selling these rubbish works of theirs for free.
I was so excited about this game after playing the first one. Though it wasn't so good as they would have done using such a nice concept as transformers. The movie makers really did justice to the concept. But the game makers are far behind in the race.
Some of the comparisons I would like to do before labeling this game a total failure on ps2:
- The previous installment had a free roaming theme where you could roam around the city at your will and transform yourselves just by the click of a button. As simple as that. But here in the sequel, you are not allowed to do that. You are just a slave and have to play as commanded by optimus prime. Moreover you cannot move here and there beyond an area which is isolated using obstacles like fire.
- You cannot climb on buildings as you used to in the first part of the game. It was so much fun.
- Graphics leave you with so much to be desired. Absolute let down this game is in terms of graphics. The draw distance is so less, that if you are on top of a building, you won't see a bridge half a mile away.
- Somethings are good compared to the first one. You have special powers which allow transformers to unleash hell on the decepticons. Similar to the God of War concept where you can use magic powers only upto a certain limit until that blue bar of magic lasts.
- You will find countless bugs in the game as you move around. Come on, seeing bugs on playstation 2 feels so much awkward. PC is fine, but on PS2!?
Man o man, this game was a total crap and a complete let down for all, the ps2 gamers as well as the transformers fans. When will these money hungry people stop thinking of their own and start thinking about their customers? If they think they're going to get a huge publicity by releasing the games before the launch of the movie, then they are probably badly mistaken! With such bad game being released, no one would want to leave their homes and watch such pathetic movie. Don't abuse such a great concept and don't play around with such great heroes, please, for God's sake!
Just one word, don't buy this game at any cost unless it's free.(I'd say don't even do that, coz if someone watches you playing that, you won't experience any big embarassment in your entire life!)
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, but why the revenge on PS2!
They are really making it bad for ps2 nowadays, coz I played ghostbusters video game for ps2 and it was no good either. It is pretty obvious when you start these games, that the developers are not putting any effort to creat a good gaming experience for the ps2 owners. All appears to be a rushed crap all the way.
No one wants to make games for PS2 now, which is really a sad thing for the people in India.
PS3 is not something which would be welcomed into the Indian living rooms at a common level in current times. HD technology is far expensive for the people here. BLU RAY is a thing of the future. So, PS2 is still the king of games and the gaming world in India. Let's keep hoping for the best and look forward to better games being made putting this transformers edition somewhere in the closet where you can't reach and enjoy playing the games that made history on PS2!
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