Almost an year ago, I heard sony CEO speaking of some game they were to launch for ps3, that was supposed to be using all that is a ps3 hardware is capable of and suck all its juice to provide with the best gaming experience ever to the ps3 users! When I heard that, the only thing that flashed through my mind and I whispered to myself: GOD OF WAR III!!!
Let's all accept the fact, that God of War series is the best so far on the playstation console on an overall basis. Final Fantasy is a strong contender, no doubt. But this beastly series has no compare whatsoever.
God Of War III is scheduled to be released in March 2010. It was to be released in November this year, but recently sony announced the news about its delay. You can already see many videos and screens of the third installment everywhere on the internet. And each one, just leaves us wanting for more. I am sure all God of War fans are for anything new to be heard or seen about God Of War III.

I always told my gamer cousins Tweakguy and Techsneak that God of War III would be a very nice bet for sony people to shoot the sales of PS3 up by leaps and bounds. And today while I was browsing n4g, I came across one blogger who feels the same and seems to support my theory of relativity between God of War III and the playstation 3. Here's what I found:
" It's true, God of War III will be a title worthy enough to cause the sale of numerous PS3's, Sony is on to something big here, and I'll outline exactly why."

Now this is really getting interesting. God of War III has already been hyped or I must say labeled as the best game to be on the ps3 platform. And this is not just hype, we all have seen what it would look like. And it is nothing but a jawdropping game with everything under your control. Pandora's box is just waiting to be opened and God of War in his newest form is getting ready to explode on all ps3 consoles and take the console gaming to an all new and unexperienced level that would rocket launch the ps3 demands alongways too.

My latest guess is that sony will announce a slimmer ps3 along with the launch of god of war III in addition to backwards compatibility with ps2 and a considerable price-drop.
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